04:00 or 05:00 UTC would basically preclude European participation for
most people... that's 4 am for Dosaboy and myself for example.

Alternating meetings on different weeks would probably work, though we
would need to encourage people to get stuff on the agenda in advance
rather than an hour before the meeting, so that people can send their
comments ahead if they can't attend.

On 17 December 2013 17:03, Walter A. Boring IV <walter.bor...@hp.com> wrote:
> 4 or 5 UTC works better for me.   I can't attend the current meeting
> time, due to taking my kids to school in the morning at 1620UTC
> Walt
>> Hi All,
>> Prompted by a recent suggestion from Tom Fifield, I thought I'd gauge
>> some interest in either changing the weekly Cinder meeting time, or
>> proposing a second meeting to accomodate folks in other time-zones.
>> A large number of folks are already in time-zones that are not
>> "friendly" to our current meeting time.  I'm wondering if there is
>> enough of an interest to move the meeting time from 16:00 UTC on
>> Wednesdays, to 04:00 or 05:00 UTC?  Depending on the interest I'd be
>> willing to look at either moving the meeting for a trial period or
>> holding a second meeting to make sure folks in other TZ's had a chance
>> to be heard.
>> Let me know your thoughts, if there are folks out there that feel
>> unable to attend due to TZ conflicts and we can see what we might be
>> able to do.
>> Thanks,
>> John
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