Recently, my team plans to provider load balancing services with octavia.I
recorded some of the needs and suggestions of our team members.The
following suggestions about amphora may be very useful.

[1] User can specify image and flavor for amphora.
[2] Enable multi processes(version<1.8) or multi threads(version>=1.8) for
[3] Provider a script to check and clean up bad loadbalancer and amphora.
Moreover we alse need to clean up neutron and nova resources about these
loadblancer and amphora.

The implementation of [1] and [2] depend on provider flavor framework. So
it's time to implement provider flavor framework.
About [3], We can't delete loadbalancer by API if the loadbalancer's status
is PENDING_UPDATE or PENDING_CREATE. And we haven't api for delete amphora,
so if the status of this amphora is not active it will always exists. So
the script is necessary.!/story/2002896
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