Thanks for the feedback, John and Emilien.

On 13.7.2018 01:35, Emilien Macchi wrote:
+1 for Option A as well, I feel like it's the one which would give us the
more of flexibility and also I'm not a big fan of the usage of Anchors for
this use case.
Some folks are currently working on extracting these tasks out of THT and I
can already see something like:

           - include_role:
               name: my-service
               tasks_from: deploy

           - include_role:
               name: my-service
               tasks_from: update

Or we could re-use the same playbooks, but use tags maybe.
Anyway, I like your proposal and I vote for option A.

I like the tasks_from approach in the snippet. Regarding tags, i'm currently thinking of using them to optionally update/upgrade individual services which make use of external_*_tasks. E.g. in an environment with both OpenShift and Ceph, i'm hoping we could run:

    openstack overcloud external-update run --tags ceph
    openstack overcloud external-update run --tags openshift

to update them separately if needed. That's the way i'm trying to prototype it right now anyway, open to feedback.


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