Fellow Stackers,

I just served a term as Manila PTL for Rocky and am writing to say that if you choose me I'd like to also take on that role for the Stein release cycle.

I think I've learned the mechanics now and can focus more energy on priorities.

Today manila itself is pretty solid. It doesn't need lots of new features. Back end vendors always want to expose new bells and whistles, and that's fine if they help with the review load and contribute to the community. Reciprocity makes the world go around.

But I see the adoption curve for manila just now ramping up and my own focus will be to enable that by working to harden manila and to make it easier to use, both within and outside of openstack itself.

Manila offers file-shares as a service -- self-service, RWX, random access storage -- and abstracts over a variety of file-systems and sharing protocols.

Manila doesn't care if the consumers of the file systems live within openstack or not. It's just a matter of network reachability and the access rights that manila manages.

Besides being able to run as one part of a full openstack deployment, manila can run on its own, with keystone to enable multi-tenancy, or completely standalone.

So I see manila as a true Open Infrastructure project. It can turn a rack of unconfigured equipment into self-service shared file systems without limiting itself to the (very important) Virtual Private Server use case [1].

I will, accordingly, work to position manila as *the* open source solution for deploying RWX random access storage across data centers and across clouds. To that end we need to:

* get manila into generalized cloud providers like CSI [2]

* get manila into the openstack sdk and openstack client

* get more of the almost thirty manila back ends exposed in
  production-quality deployment tools like tripleo, kolla-*,
  and juju.

* continue to fix bugs, improve our CI, run more stuff in gate with
  python 3

These are the things that will drive me if you choose me as manila PTL.

Thanks for listening,

-- Tom Barron (tbarron)


[2] https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/blob/master/spec.md

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