This is the weekly summary of work being done by the Technical
Committee members. The full list of active items is managed in the

We also track TC objectives for the cycle using StoryBoard at:!/project/923

== Recent Activity ==

Approved changes:

- python3-first goal:

== Ongoing Discussions ==

Dims started porting the compute:starter-kit tag to be a constellation.
This highlighted an issue with the current definition of that set of
projects and their use of the tools in the base services list.


We had 7 teams without any volunteers to serve as PTL for the Stein
cycle (Dragonflow, Freezer, Loci, Packaging-RPM, Refstack, Searchlight,
and Winstackers). The Trove team had a volunteer, but that person does
not qualify under our normal rules that say the PTL should be an ATC.
This triggered some discussion of what the PTL's role is, why we have
it, and whether we may need to make some changes in how it is defined
and used.

The TC will be reviewing what to do with those teams over the next week
or two.


Thierry posted about the changes to the Summit & PTG and how they will
affect the Stein release cycle. tl;dr: Because the Summit and PTG will
be combined at the end of Stein, the cycle will be a little longer to
allow the release dates to sync with the event.


== TC member actions/focus/discussions for the coming week(s) ==

The TC members who are liaisons to one of the teams affected by a lack
of PTL candidates should contact the current PTL for those teams to
ensure that they are aware of the problem.

Please review the suggested topics for the TC to discuss at the PTG:


The PTG is approaching quickly. Please complete any remaining team
health checks.

== Contacting the TC ==

The Technical Committee uses a series of weekly "office hour" time
slots for synchronous communication. We hope that by having several
such times scheduled, we will have more opportunities to engage
with members of the community from different timezones.

Office hour times in #openstack-tc:

- 09:00 UTC on Tuesdays
- 01:00 UTC on Wednesdays
- 15:00 UTC on Thursdays

If you have something you would like the TC to discuss, you can add
it to our office hour conversation starter etherpad at:

Many of us also run IRC bouncers which stay in #openstack-tc most
of the time, so please do not feel that you need to wait for an
office hour time to pose a question or offer a suggestion. You can
use the string "tc-members" to alert the members to your question.

You will find channel logs with past conversations at

If you expect your topic to require significant discussion or to
need input from members of the community other than the TC, please
start a mailing list discussion on openstack-dev at
and use the subject tag "[tc]" to bring it to the attention of TC

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