On 11/12/13 21:42, Robert Collins wrote:
> On 12 December 2013 01:17, Jaromir Coufal <jcou...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 2013/10/12 23:09, Robert Collins wrote:


>>> Thats speculation. We don't know if they will or will not because we
>>> haven't given them a working system to test.
>> Some part of that is speculation, some part of that is feedback from people
>> who are doing deployments (of course its just very limited audience).
>> Anyway, it is not just pure theory.
> Sure. Let be me more precise. There is a hypothesis that lack of
> direct control will be a significant adoption blocker for a primary
> group of users.

I'm sorry for butting in, but I think I can see where your disagreement
comes from and maybe explaining it will help resolving it.

It's not a hypothesis, but a well documented and researched fact, that
transparency has a huge impact on the ease of use of any information
artifact. In particular, the easier you can see what is actually
happening and how your actions affect the outcome, the faster you can
learn to use it and the more efficient you are in using it and resolving
any problems with it. It's no surprise that "closeness of mapping" and
"hidden dependencies" are two important congnitive dimensions that are
often measured when assesing the usability of an artifact. Humans simply
find it nice when they can tell what is happening, even if theoretically
they don't need that knowledge when everything works correctly.

This doesn't come from any direct requirements of Tuskar itself, and I
am sure that all the workarounds that Robert gave will work somehow in
every real-world problem that arises. But the whole will not necessarily
be easy or pleasant to learn and use. I am aware, that the requirment to
be able to see what is happening is a fundamental problem, because it
destroys one of the most important rules in system engineering --
separation of concerns. The parts in the upper layers should simply not
care how the parts in the lower layers do their jobs, as long as they
work properly.

I know that it is a kind of a tradition in Open Source software to
create software with the assumption, that it's enough for it to do its
job, and if every use case can be somehow done, directly or indirectly,
then it's good enough. We have a lot of working tools designed with this
principle in mind, such as CSS, autotools or our favorite git. They do
their job, and they do it well (except when they break horribly). But I
think we can put a little bit more effort into also ensuring that the
common use cases are not just doable, but also easy to implement and
maintain. And that means that we will sometimes have a requirement that
comes from how people think, and not from any particular technical need.
I know that it sounds like speculation, or theory, but I think we need
to tust in Jarda's experience with usability and his judgement about
what works better -- unless of course we are willing to learn all that
ourselves, which may take quite some time.

What is the point of having an expert, if we know better, after all?
Radomir Dopieralski

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