Le 19/12/2013 13:54, Sergey Lukjanov a écrit :
yup, agreed. Additionally, I'd like to start a discussion about new meeting time that'd be more US-folks friendly.

Luckily, we do have Internet now :

Option #1 :
Mondays 1500UTC could be the best fit for us, as most of US people (except PDT) could join us, but :
 1. that's pretty late for you, guys
2. the meeting slot is busy on #openstack-meeting (Stackalytics), we need to switch to #openstack-meeting-alt

So, alternatives are :
Option #2 :
Mondays 1400 UTC, but :
 1. we loose a certain interest in moving our timeslot for US folks

Option #3 :
Tuesdays 1500 UTC, pretty interesting because that's not an week early-bird meeting for US, but : 1. the meeting slot is busy on #openstack-meeting (Scheduler sub-group), we need to switch to #openstack-meeting-alt

Thoughts ? My vote goes to #1 personnally.

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