Howdy everyone,

Keeping with the tradition of Matt's burndown charts from previous cycles [1][2], I have a burndown chart for the Rocky cycle [3] to share with you. Apologies for the gap in the data -- I had an issue keeping up with the count for that time period. I also focused on only Approved vs Completed counts this time. And finally, there are overlapping labels for "Spec Review Sprint" on June 5 and "r-2, spec freeze" on June 7 that are hard to read, and I didn't find a way to adjust their position in google sheets.

Comparing final numbers to Queens
Max approved for Queens: 53
Max approved for Rocky: 72
Final completed for Queens: 42
Final completed for Rocky: 59

Our completion percentage of approved blueprints in Queens was 79.2% and in Rocky it was 81.9%. We approved far more blueprints in Rocky than we did in Queens, but the completion rate was similar.

With runways, we were looking to increase our completion percentage by focusing on reviewing the same approved things at the same time but we simultaneously were more ambitious with what we approved. So we ended up with a similar completion percentage. This doesn't seem like a bad thing in that, we completed more blueprints than we did last cycle (and presumably got more done overall), but we're still having trouble with our approval rate of blueprints that we can realistically finish in one cycle.

I think part of the miss on the number of approvals might be because we extended the spec freeze date to milestone r-2 because of runways, thinking that if we completed enough things, we could approve more things. We didn't predict that accurately but with the experience, my hope is we can do better in Stein. We could consider moving spec freeze back to milestone s-1 or have rough criteria on whether to approve more blueprints close to s-2 (for example, if 30%? of approved blueprints have been completed, OK to approve more).

If you have feedback or thoughts on any of this, feel free to reply to this thread or add your comments to the Rocky retrospective etherpad [4] and we can discuss at the PTG.


[1] [2] [3]

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