Hello VMware peeps,

I've been trying to triage a bug in New status for the VMware driver without success:

https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1744182 - can not create instance when using vmware nova driver

I tend to think the problem is not related to nova because the instance create fails with a message that sounds related to the VMware backend:

2018-01-18 06:40:01.738 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager [req-bc40738a-a3ee-4d9c-bd67-32e6fb32df08 32e0ed602bc549f48f7caf401420b628 7179dd1be7ef4cf2906b41b97970a0f6 - default default] [instance: b4b7cabe-f78b-40d9-8856-3b6c213efd73] Instance failed to spawn: VimFaultException: An error occurred during host configuration.
Faults: ['PlatformConfigFault']

And VMware CI has been running in the gate and successfully creating instances during the tempest tests.

Can anyone help triage this bug?

Thanks in advance.


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