On 08/21/2018 01:53 PM, melanie witt wrote:

Given all of that, I'm not seeing how *now* is a good time to separate the
placement project under separate governance with separate goals and priorities.
If operators need things for compute, that are well-known and that placement was
created to solve, how will placement have a shared interest in solving compute
problems, if it is not part of the compute project?

As someone who is not involved in the governance of nova, this seems like kind of an odd statement for an open-source project.

From the outside, it seems like there is a fairly small pool of active placement developers. And either the placement developers are willing to implement the capabilities desired by compute or else they're not. And if they're not, I don't see how being under compute governance would resolve that since the only official hard leverage the compute governance has is refusing to review/merge placement patches (which wouldn't really help implement compute's desires anyways).


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