
I hereby would like to announce my candidacy for the Climate (Reservations) PTL.

A brief history about me : I'm playing with Software Engineering and Operations since more than 10 years, with a special focus on Openstack since the Essex release. I promoted Openstack in my previous company as the top solution for our internal cloud solution, and now I'm working as Software Engineer at Bull within the open-source XLCloud [1] project which is an international collaborative project.

I joined the Climate project in the early stages from the idea of having a resource planner in Nova [2]. I also led the subteam responsible for delivering physical hosts reservations in Climate and dedicated long time about spec'ing what would be a global resource planner for both virtual and physical reservations. I also engaged and delivered important core features like unittesting framework or policies management. You can see my reviews [3] and my commits [4] for appreciation. About Climate visibility, I also engaged the initiative of having weekly meetings and now I'm chair of the meetings half time, with respect to the virtual reservations subteam. I also copresented Climate during the Openstack Icehouse Summit in HK.

I see the PTL position as a communication point for the development of the community around Climate and its integration within the Openstack ecosystem, not only focusing to the code but also listening to the users point of view. As a corollary to this, his duties also include to be the interface in between Openstack developers community and Climate stakeholders for defining the good path of leveraging Openstack with Climate. Last but not least, I'm convinced that the PTL position should be rotating in order to express all the variations of our team contributors, subteams and sponsors.

For the Icehouse release, I'm seeing the next steps for Climate as having its first release end of January, the discussions with the Technical Committee about an project incubation and a new Program about Reservations. I'm also seeing a tighter interaction with Nova, Heat and Horizon for the end of this cycle. In particular about Nova, there are various aspects that have to be addressed and have already been presented during a Nova design unconference session [5].

Anyway, I know we do a great job, and I'm having pleasure with working with you all guys !

[1] : http://www.xlcloud.org
[2] : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/planned-resource-reservation-api [3] : https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:sbauza+AND+(project:stackforge/climate+OR+project:stackforge/python-climateclient+OR+project:stackforge/climate-nova),n,z <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:sbauza+AND+%28project:stackforge/climate+OR+project:stackforge/python-climateclient+OR+project:stackforge/climate-nova%29,n,z> [4] : https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:sbauza+AND+(project:stackforge/climate+OR+project:stackforge/python-climateclient+OR+project:stackforge/climate-nova),n,z <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:sbauza+AND+%28project:stackforge/climate+OR+project:stackforge/python-climateclient+OR+project:stackforge/climate-nova%29,n,z>
[5] : https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/NovaIcehouse-ClimateInteractions
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