Jimmy McArthur wrote:


Today a page about the new Creative Common license in the Redis Labs web site was interpreted as if Redis itself switched license. This is not the case, Redis is, and will remain, BSD licensed. However in the fake news era my attempts to provide the correct information failed, and I’m still seeing everywhere “Redis is no longer open source”. The reality is that Redis remains BSD, and actually Redis Labs did the right thing supporting my effort to keep the Redis core open as usually.

What is happening instead is that certain Redis modules, developed inside Redis Labs, are now released under the Common Clause (using Apache license as a base license). This means that basically certain enterprise add-ons, instead of being completely closed source as they could be, will be available with a more permissive license.

Right, they switched to an open core model, with "enterprise" features moving from open source (AGPL) to proprietary (the so-called Commons clause). So we need to evaluate our use of Redis since:

1/ We generally prefer our default drivers to use truly open source backends (not open core nor proprietary)

2/ I have no idea how usable Redis core is in our use case without the now-proprietary modules (or how usable Redis core will stay in the future now that Redis labs has an incentive to land any "serious" features in the proprietary modules rather than in core).

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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