We've got to figure out what external authentication plugins we're going to
provide in Keystone.

This is something that you'd think wouldn't be complicated, but somehow
it's gotten that way.

Since we've made mistakes in the past, let's try to be careful this time
and come up with what plugins are required, and make sure those are

To this end, I've opened a blueprint:

What I need is,
a) Make sure the background info is correct. It documents the plugin
behavior that we've provided in the past and how they work. Keystone must
continue to support these for backwards-compatibility.

b) Figure out if there are new plugins that we need to provide. For
example, we don't have a V3 plugin that works like V2 authentication; we
don't have a V3 plugin that works like Grizzly did.

Thanks! - Brant
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