is a good instance of a behavior
I've seen a lot of recently, where someone approves a patch that last
ran CI on it a month ago (the last Jenkins pass on this patch was Nov 19th).

If you come across a patch like that, as a core reviewer, please
"recheck no bug" to make sure it actually passes.

This patches unit tests don't. And what happens then is it becomes a
wrecking ball.

It fails, and gets pulled to the side, causing a reset for anything
behind it. In this case with unit tests failing that means a 20 - 30
minute delay to everything behind it. If anything in front of it fails,
zuul puts it back into rotation, because the change in front of it that
failed *might have been the problem*. Then it fails again, resets the
queue behind it. Another 20 - 30 minute delay.

If there are lots of other races in the gate, and it's a long queue, a
change like this could add *hours* of gate delay.

So please look for recent passes before +Aing anything.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

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