Hi Arnaud, 

It's really good to know that your team are proposing the vcenter driver with 
OVA+glance datastore backend support.  Thanks for sharing the information.  OVA 
would be a good choice which will benefit users by avoiding only use flat image 
limited from current driver. 

But in my opinion, it may not conflict with deploying from template. From an 
end user perpective, if there are already a set of templates within vcenter, 
it's good for him to have openstack to deploy VM from it directly.  He can 
touch an empty image in glance only with the metadata pointing to the template 
name.  And boot vm from it.  Also he can freely choose to  generate a *ova with 
vmdk stream file and placed in certain datastore and deploy from VM from image 
location pointing to the datastore.  These are two different usage scenarios 
per my understanding.  

And to go further, if there are some mechnism, that openstack can sync exsiting 
VM templates into Glance images.  It can make this function more useful. 

Best Regards
Zarric(Zhu Zhu)

From: Arnaud Legendre
Date: 2013-12-18 01:58
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][VMware] Deploy from vCenter template
Hi Qui Xing,

We are planning to address the vCenter template issue by levering the OVF/OVA 
Kiran's implementation is tied to a specific VC and requires to add Glance 
properties that are not generic.
For existing templates, the workflow will be:
. generate an *.ova tarball (containing the *.ovf descriptor + *.vmdk 
stream-optimized) out of the template,
. register the *.ova as a Glance image location (using the VMware Glance driver 
see bp [1]) or simply upload the *.ova to another Glance store,
. The VMware driver in Nova will be able to consume the *.ova (either through 
the location or by downloading the content to the cache):  see bp [2]. However, 
for Icehouse, we are not planning to actually consume the *.ovf descriptor 
(work scheduled for the J/K release).

[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-driver-ova-support 

If you have questions about [1], please send me an email. For [2], please reach 


From: "Shawn Hartsock" <harts...@acm.org>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 9:37:34 AM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][VMware] Deploy from vCenter template

IIRC someone who shows up at 
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/VMwareAPI#Meetings is planning on 
working on that again for Icehouse-3 but there's some new debate on the best 
way to implement the desired effect. The goal of that change would be to avoid 
streaming the disk image out of vCenter for the purpose of then streaming the 
same image back into the same vCenter. That's really inefficient.

So there's a Nova level change that could happen (that's the patch you saw) and 
there's a Glance level change that could happen, and there's a combination of 
both approaches that could happen.

If you want to discuss it informally with the group that's looking into the 
problem I could probably make sure you end up talking to the right people on 
#openstack-vmware or if you pop into the weekly team meeting on IRC you could 
mention it during open discussion time.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Qing Xin Meng <mengq...@cn.ibm.com> wrote:

I saw a commit for Deploying from VMware vCenter template and found it's 

Anyone knows the plan to support the deployment from VMware vCenter template?


Best Regards

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# Shawn.Hartsock - twitter: @hartsock - plus.google.com/+ShawnHartsock 

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