This is week 5 of the "Run under Python 3 by default" goal

== What we learned last week ==

Lance started a thread to talk about the that some
projects are encountering in their stable branches.

A few reviewers have asked about why the patches to add zuul settings
in stable branches are being proposed directly to those branches
instead of being backported. As we describe in the goal, sometimes
it would have been possible to backport the settings from master
but in some cases projects have different jobs on different branches.
The simplest way to ensure we maintained those settings correctly
was to prepare a separate patch for each branch and submit it
directly. Since these patches do not contain production code, and
are only configuring our CI system, the normal stable backport
policy doesn't apply.

A couple of reviwers have asked about why the "queue" settings are
not included in the settings being copied into each repository.
Because the queue setting ties multiple projects together in the
gate pipeline, we need to be careful about how we manage that. We
decided to manage the "integrated" queue in project-config because
that need to be coordinated between teams, but to allow project
teams to add other queue settings in-tree (for example, some projects
that are not part of the integrated gate tie their server and client
repos together into 1 queue).

== Ongoing and Completed Work ==

All of our teams have started the zuul migration work (and more
than half are finished)!

| Team                | Open | Failed | Total | Status                | 
Champion           |
| adjutant            |    0 |      0 |     4 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| barbican            |   11 |      6 |    13 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| blazar              |   16 |      0 |    16 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| Chef OpenStack      |    0 |      0 |     1 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| cinder              |    8 |      6 |    22 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| cloudkitty          |    0 |      0 |    17 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| congress            |    0 |      0 |    16 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| cyborg              |    0 |      0 |     9 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| designate           |    0 |      0 |    17 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| Documentation       |    0 |      0 |    12 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| dragonflow          |    1 |      0 |     4 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| ec2-api             |    0 |      0 |     7 | DONE                  |         
| freezer             |    5 |      2 |    23 | migration in progress |         
| glance              |   16 |      0 |    16 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| heat                |    5 |      3 |    27 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| horizon             |    0 |      0 |     8 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| I18n                |    0 |      0 |     2 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| InteropWG           |    0 |      0 |     4 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| ironic              |   15 |      3 |    60 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| karbor              |   15 |      0 |    15 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| keystone            |    3 |      1 |    30 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| kolla               |    0 |      0 |     8 | DONE                  |         
| kuryr               |    5 |      4 |    16 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| magnum              |    7 |      2 |    17 | migration in progress |         
| manila              |    6 |      3 |    19 | migration in progress | Goutham 
Pacha Ravi |
| masakari            |   16 |      0 |    18 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| mistral             |    0 |      0 |    25 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| monasca             |    3 |      3 |    66 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| murano              |    0 |      0 |    25 | DONE                  |         
| neutron             |   31 |     19 |    74 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| nova                |   15 |      0 |    23 | migration in progress |         
| octavia             |    0 |      0 |    23 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| OpenStack Charms    |   20 |     16 |   118 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| OpenStack-Helm      |    0 |      0 |     2 | DONE                  |         
| OpenStackAnsible    |   34 |     20 |   270 | migration in progress |         
| OpenStackClient     |    0 |      0 |    16 | DONE                  |         
| OpenStackSDK        |   12 |      1 |    15 | migration in progress |         
| oslo                |    0 |      0 |   157 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| Packaging-rpm       |    0 |      0 |     3 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| PowerVMStackers     |    0 |      0 |    15 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| Puppet OpenStack    |    1 |      0 |   193 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| qinling             |    0 |      0 |     6 | DONE                  |         
| Quality Assurance   |    6 |      0 |    28 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| rally               |    0 |      0 |     2 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| Release Management  |    0 |      0 |     1 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| requirements        |    0 |      0 |     5 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| sahara              |    0 |      0 |    27 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| searchlight         |    0 |      0 |    13 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| senlin              |    0 |      0 |    16 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| SIGs                |    0 |      0 |     6 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| solum               |    0 |      0 |    17 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| storlets            |    0 |      0 |     5 | DONE                  |         
| swift               |    0 |      0 |    11 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| tacker              |    4 |      0 |    16 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| Technical Committee |    0 |      0 |     5 | DONE                  | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| Telemetry           |   15 |      6 |    31 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| tricircle           |    2 |      2 |     9 | migration in progress | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| tripleo             |   58 |     29 |   134 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| trove               |   17 |      2 |    17 | migration in progress | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| User Committee      |    0 |      0 |     4 | waiting for cleanup   | Doug 
Hellmann      |
| vitrage             |    0 |      0 |    17 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| watcher             |    0 |      0 |    17 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| winstackers         |    0 |      0 |    11 | DONE                  |         
| zaqar               |   12 |      4 |    17 | migration in progress |         
| zun                 |    0 |      0 |    13 | DONE                  | Nguyen 
Hai         |
| TOTAL               |  359 |    132 |  1855 | 36/65 DONE            |         

== Next Steps ==

If your team is ready to have your zuul settings migrated, please
let us know by following up to this email. We will start with the
volunteers, and then work our way through the other teams.

== How can you help? ==

1. Choose a patch that has failing tests and help fix it.
2. Review the patches for the zuul changes. Keep in mind that some of
   those patches will be on the stable branches for projects.
3. Work on adding functional test jobs that run under Python 3.

== How can you ask for help? ==

If you have any questions, please post them here to the openstack-dev
list with the topic tag [python3] in the subject line. Posting
questions to the mailing list will give the widest audience the
chance to see the answers.

We are using the #openstack-dev IRC channel for discussion as well,
but I'm not sure how good our timezone coverage is so it's probably
better to use the mailing list.

== Reference Material ==

Goal description:
Open patches needing reviews:
Zuul migration notes:
Zuul migration tracking:!/story/2002586
Python 3 Wiki page:

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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