A bit belated, but here goes:

Had a good discussion in the Keystone room about oslo.limit with some Nova developers. There was quite a bit of discussion around how the callbacks should work for resource usage and cleanup, and the Nova developers took an action to do some prototyping. Also, there was general consensus in the room that user quotas were probably a thing that should go away and we didn't want to spend a lot of time trying to accommodate them. If you have a different viewpoint on that please let someone involved with this know ASAP.

In addition, for the first time the topic of how to migrate from project-specific quota code to oslo.limit got some serious discussion. The current proposal is to have projects support both methods for a cycle to allow migration of the data. A Nova spec is planned to detail how that will work.


In the afternoon there was also a productive discussion in the API sig room about the healthcheck middleware. Initially it was a lot of "we want this, but no one has time to work on it", but after some more digging into the existing oslo.middleware code it was determined that we might be able to reuse parts of that to reduce the amount of work needed to implement it. This also makes it an easier sell to projects since many already include the old healthcheck middleware and this would be an extension of it. Graham was going to hack on the implementation in his PTG downtime.


Our scheduled session day. The main points of the discussion were (hopefully) captured in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-stein-ptg-planning

-The oslo.config driver work is continuing. One outcome of the discussion was that we decided to continue to defer the question of how to handle mutable config with drivers. If somebody asks for it then we can revisit.

-There was general agreement to proceed with the simple config validator: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567950/ There is a significantly more complex version of that review out there as well, but it's so large that nobody has had time to review it. The plan is that the added features from that can be added to this simple version in easier-to-digest pieces once the base functionality is there.

-The config migration tool is awaiting reviews (I see Doug reviewed it today, thanks!), and then will proceed with phase 2 in which it will try to handle more complex migrations.

-oslo.upgradecheck is now a thing. If you don't know what that is, see Matt Riedemann's email updates on the upgrade checkers goal.

-There was some extensive discussion around how to add parallel processing to oslo.privsep. The main outcomes were that we needed to get rid of the eventlet dependency from the initial implementation, but we think the rest of the code should already deal with concurrent execution as expected. However, as we are still lacking deep expertise in oslo.privsep since Gus left (help wanted!), it is TBD whether we are right. :-)

-A pluggable policy spec and some initial patches are proposed and need reviews. One of these days I will have time to do that.

Had a good discussion about migrating Oslo to Storyboard. As you may have noticed, that discussion has continued on the mailing list so check out the [storyboard] tagged threads for details on where that stands. If you want to kick the tires of the test import you can do so here: https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/story/list?project_group_id=74

Discussion in the TripleO room about integrating the config drivers work. It sounded like they had a plan to implement support for them when they are available, so \o/.

Mostly continued work on oslo.upgradecheck in between some non-Oslo discussions.

I think that's it. If I missed anything or you have questions/comments feel free to reply.



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