
The TripleO CI team has just completed Sprint 20 (Sep-27 thru Oct-17).
The following is a summary of completed work during this sprint cycle:


   Bootstrapped upstream standalone job on Fedora 28.

   Migrated RDO jobs in Software Factory to native Zuul v3.

   Refactored Tempest tooling (python-tempestconf).

   Made possible the use of zuul inventory variables from the job to the
   quickstart workflow

   Build-test-packages role is now using zuul variables to gather
   information on the changes alongside the old ZUUL_CHANGES method, which is
   now deprecated and will be removed in the future.

   Translated bash variables into ansible as part of the ZuulV3 migration
   - Enabled stackviz on openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest role.

   Enabled projects to override tempest tests via zuul variables in the job

The sprint task board for CI team has moved from Trello to Taiga [1]. The
Ruck and Rover notes for this sprint has been tracked in the etherpad [2].

The planned work for the next sprint focuses in running the upstream
standalone job in Fedora 28 and continuing part of the work done in Sprint
20, including python-tempestconf refactoring, and enabling stackviz.

The Ruck and Rover for this sprint are Sagi Shnaidman (sshnaidm) and Rafael
Folco (rfolco). Please direct questions or queries to them regarding CI
status or issues in #tripleo, ideally to whomever has the ‘|ruck’ suffix on
their nick.


Rafael Folco
Senior Software Engineer
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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