On 11/4/2018 10:17 PM, Chen CH Ji wrote:
Yes, this has been discussed for long time and If I remember this correctly seems S PTG also had some discussion on it (maybe public Cloud WG ? ), Claudiu has been pushing this for several cycles and he actually had some code at [1] but no additional progress there... [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:abandoned+topic:bp/instance-live-resize

It's a question of priorities. It's a complicated change and low priority, in my opinion. We've said several times before that we'd do it, but there are a lot of other higher priority efforts taking the attention of the core team. Getting agreement on the spec is the first step and then the runways process should be used to deal with actual code reviews, but I think the spec review has stalled (I know I am guilty of not looking at the latest updates to the spec).




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