Excerpts from LeslieWang's message of 2013-12-24 03:01:51 -0800:
> Hi Oleg,
> Thanks for your promptly reply and detail explanation. Merry Christmas and 
> wish you have a happy new year!
> At the same time, I think we can discuss more on Ironic is for backend driver 
> for nova. I'm new in ironic. Per my understanding, the purpose of bare metal 
> as a backend driver is to solve the problem that some appliance systems can 
> not be virtualized, but operator still wants same cloud management system to 
> manage these systems. With the help of ironic, operator can achieve the goal, 
> and use one openstack to manage these systems as VMs, create, delete, deploy 
> image etc. this is one typical use case.
> In addition, actually I'm thinking another interesting use case. Currently 
> openstack requires ops to pre-install all servers. TripleO try to solve this 
> problem and bootstrap openstack using openstack. However, what is missing 
> here is dynamic power on VM/switches/storage only. Imagine initially lab only 
> had one all-in-one openstack controller. The whole work flow can be:
>   1. Users request one VM or baremetal server through portal.
>   2. Horizon sends request to nova-scheduler
>   3. Nova-scheduler finds no server, then invoke ironic api to power on one 
> through IPMI, and install either hyper visor or appliance directly.
>   4. If it need create VM, Nova-scheduler will find one compute node, and 
> send message for further processing.
> Based on this use case, I'm thinking whether it makes sense to embed this 
> ironic invokation logic in nova-scheduler, or another approach is as overall 
> orchestration manager, TripleO project has a TripleO-scheduler to firstly 
> intercept the message, invoke ironic api, then heat api which calls nova api, 
> neutron api, storage api.  In this case, TripleO only powers on baremetal 
> server running VM, nova is responsible to power on baremetal server running 
> appliance system. Sounds like latter one is a good solution, however the 
> prior one also works. So can you please comment on it? Thanks!

I think this basically already works the way you desire. The scheduler
_does_ decide to call ironic, it just does so through nova-compute RPC
calls. That is important, as this allows the scheduler to hand-off the
entire work-flow of provisioning a machine to nova-compute in the exact
same way as is done for regular cloud workloads.

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