On 5 January 2014 04:22, Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:
> Sean,
> Before everything, I'd like to thank you for insisting in making the
> transition to SQLA 0.8.x.
> Since it has been uploaded to Sid, this SQLA <0.7.99 has been without
> any doubt the biggest reoccurring pain in the but with the packaging of
> OpenStack. Without people like you, insisting again and again, I would
> have loose hope that progress could happen in OpenStack! So thanks
> again, Sean.

> We're even more into sci-fi when we see stuff like:
> pbr>=0.5.21,<1
> Monty, did you decide you would release 1.0 with lots of backward
> incompatibility? Has the topic been raised and I missed it??? I'm
> convinced this isn't the case (and let's pretend it isn't, just until
> the end of this message).

Strictly speak, yes. More generously, this should be


Because pbr is using semver, and 0.x has no stability guarantees, so
the point when we will hit an incompatible change to a stable API is
the 2 transition.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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