On Jan 8, 2014 7:12 AM, "Matt Riedemann" <mrie...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
> I'd like to propose that we add another item to the list here [1] that is
basically related to what happens when the 3rd party CI job votes a -1 on
your patch.  This would include:
> 1. Documentation on how to analyze the results and a good overview of
what the job does (like the docs we have for check/gate testing now).
> 2. How to recheck the specific job if needed, i.e. 'recheck migrations'.
> 3. Who to contact if you can't figure out what's going on with the job.
> Ideally this information would be in the comments when the job scores a
-1 on your patch, or at least it would leave a comment with a link to a
wiki for that job like we have with Jenkins today.
> I'm all for more test coverage but we need some solid documentation
around that when it's not owned by the community so we know what to do with
the results if they seem like false negatives.
> If no one is against this or has something to add, I'll update the wiki.

-1 to putting this in the wiki. This isn't a nova only issue. We are trying
to collect the requirements here:


> [1]
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
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