On 01/16/2014 11:18 AM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2014, at 6:46 AM, Joe Gordon <joe.gord...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:joe.gord...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Dugger, Donald D 
>> <donald.d.dug...@intel.com <mailto:donald.d.dug...@intel.com>>
>> wrote:
>> My thought was to try and get some parallel effort going, do the 
>> resync as a continuing task as suffer a little ongoing pain
>> versus a large amount of pain at the end.  Given that the steps
>> for a resync are the same no matter when we do it waiting until
>> the end is acceptable.____
>> __ __
>> From a `just do it’ perspective I think we’re in violent
>> agreement on the top level tasks, as long as your step 3,
>> integration testing, is the same as what I’ve been calling
>> working functionality, e.g. have the nova scheduler use the gantt
>> source tree.____
>> __ __
>> PS:  How I resync.  What I’ve done is create a list with md5sums 
>> of all the files in nova that we’ve duplicated in gantt.  I then 
>> update a nova git tree and compare the current md5sums for those 
>> files with my list.  I use format-patch to get the patches from 
>> the nova tree and grep for any patch that applies to a gantt 
>> file.  I then use `git am’ to apply those patches to the gantt 
>> tree, modifying any of the patches that are needed.
>> So this sync won't work once we start the nova/gantt rename, so
>> we need a better approach.
>> Syncing the gantt tree with nova sounds like a daunting task.
>> Perhaps it would be easier if we use the current gantt tree as a
>> test to see what is involved in getting gantt working, and then
>> redo the fork after the icehouse feature freeze with the aim of
>> getting the gantt tree working by the start of juno, so we can
>> have the freeze nova-scheduler discussion. Syncing nova and gantt
>> during feature freeze should be significantly easier then doing
>> it now.
> I would personally just vote for the nuclear approach of freezing
> nova scheduler and doing work in gantt. If close to icehouse 3 we
> see that gantt is not going to be ready in time we can selectively
> backport stuff to nova-scheduler and push gantt to juno.

That sounds OK to me, but I would really just like to see gantt
running before we freeze nova-scheduler.

Joe's idea might work for this too, which would be something like:

1) Go through the exercise of making the current thing running using
the current repo (without keeping it in sync).  This includes devstack

2) Once we see it working and are ready for the nuclear freeze and
switch, re-generate the repo from nova master and apply everything
needed to make it work.

Russell Bryant

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