
I've been trying to build a transformer, and while I've gotten it to work as intended for the most part, I've run into a weird issue because the metric I'm transforming has two inputs.

I created a gauge metric that is updated via notifications, and a pollster. The data from both of those needs to be transformed in to a cumulative metric. The transformer object works as intended, but the issue is that while my pollster/notifications combo does create samples for the same named metric, two different transformer objects are being created for each data input for the metric.

What this means is I get two different transformed calculations that both output to the same metric and give different values. Since one is for the notification based data, and the other from the pollster.

I can't in the source see how, or why two transformer object are being created, but I've gotten them printing their memory address to log so I am certain they are two different transformer objects.

Is there a reason that ceilometer is making a transformer object for notifications and pollsters separately rather than one for both?

Is this a bug? If so, where should I start to look into fixing it?

Hope someone is able to help.

Also, as a side note, I'm working off Havana as notification based metrics for the compute agent don't seem to be working on master.

-Adrian Turjak

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