Based on this thread which didn't seem to get clear outcome, I have one last suggestion:

* Deployment Role

It looks that it might satisfy participants of this discussion. When I internally talked to people it got the best reactions from already suggested terms.

Depending on your reactions for this suggestion, if we don't get to agreement of majority by the end of the week, I would call for voting starting next week.

-- Jarda

On 2014/21/01 15:19, Jaromir Coufal wrote:
Hi folks,

when I was getting feedback on wireframes and we talked about Roles,
there were various objections and not much suggestions. I would love to
call for action and think a bit about the term for concept currently
known as Role (= Resource Category).

Role is a representation of a group of nodes, with specific behavior.
Each role contains (or will contain):
* one or more Node Profiles (which specify HW which is going in)
* association with image (which will be provisioned on new coming nodes)
* specific service settings

So far suggested terms:
* Role *
   - short name - plus points
   - quite overloaded term (user role, etc)

* Resource Category *
   - pretty long (devs already shorten it - confusing)
   - Heat specific term

* Resource Class *
   - older term

Are there any other suggestions (ideally something short and accurate)?
Or do you prefer any of already suggested terms?

Any ideas are welcome - we are not very good in finding the best match
for this particular term.

-- Jarda

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