Just a note also:

Taskflow's in a way is event-driven also, a workflow goes through various 
events and those events cause further actions (state-transitions, 
notifications, forward-progress).

I fully expect the https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63155 (yes not 
oslo.messaging, but someday when that library exists) to be more in your idea 
of event-driven.

To me u can model an event-driven system using an executor type (but not so 
much the other-way around); but perhaps it is possible and I can't think of it 
right now.

In fact if u look at what guido is doing with tulip [1] u can see a way to 
connect events to executors/futures to events (slightly similar to taskflows 

I'd really like mistral to get back on using taskflow and helping converge 
instead of diverge, so lets make it happen :-)


[1] http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3156/

From: Renat Akhmerov <rakhme...@mirantis.com<mailto:rakhme...@mirantis.com>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Monday, January 27, 2014 at 12:31 PM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Mistral + taskflow mini-meetup

Josh, thanks for sharing this with the community. Just a couple of words as an 
addition to that..

The driver for this conversation is that TaskFlow library and Mistral service 
in many ways do similar things: task processing combined somehow (flow or 
workflow). However, there’s a number of differences in approaches that the two 
technologies follow. Initially, when Mistral’s development phase started about 
a couple of months ago the team was willing to use TaskFlow at implementation 
level. Basically, we can potentially represent Mistral tasks as TaskFlow tasks 
and use TaskFlow API to run them. One of the problems though is that TaskFlow 
tasks are basically python methods and hence run synchronously (once we get out 
of the method the task is considered finished) whereas Mistral is primarily 
designed to run asynchronous tasks (send a signal to an external system and 
start waiting for a result which may arrive minutes or hours later. Mistral is 
more like event-driven system versus traditional executor architecture. So now 
Mistral PoC is not using TaskFlow but moving forward we we’d like to try to 
marry these two technologies to be more aligned in terms of APIs and feature 

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

On 27 Jan 2014, at 13:21, Joshua Harlow 
<harlo...@yahoo-inc.com<mailto:harlo...@yahoo-inc.com>> wrote:

Hi all,

In order to encourage further discussion off IRC and more in public I'd like to 
share a etherpad that was worked on during a 'meetup' with some of the mistral 
folks and me.


It was more of a (mini) in-person meetup but I thought I'd be good to gather 
some feedback there and let the more general audience see this and ask any 

Some of the key distinctions between taskflow/mistral we talked about and as 
well other various DSL aspects and some possible action items.

Feel free to ask questions,

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