On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Russell Bryant <rbry...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Recently Sean Dague started some threads [1][2] about the future of XML
> support in Nova's compute API.  Specifically, he proposed [3] that we
> drop XML support in the next major version of the API (v3).  I wanted to
> follow up on this to make the outcome clear.
> I feel that we should move forward with this proposal and drop XML
> support from the v3 compute API.  The ongoing cost in terms of
> development, maintenance, documentation, and verification has been quite
> high.  After talking to a number of people about this, I do not feel
> that keeping it provides enough value to justify the cost.
> Even though we may be dropping it now, I will not say that we will
> *never* support it in the future.  If there is enough interest (and work
> behind it) in the future, we could revisit a new implementation that is
> easier to support long term.  For now, we will stick to what we know
> works, and that is the JSON API.

There is now an etherpad here
to help coordinate removal of the XML code and avoid duplication of effort.

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