On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Steven Hardy <sha...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've recently been working on migrating the heat internal interfaces to use
> the keystone v3 API exclusively[1].
> This work has mostly been going well, but I've hit a couple of issues which
> I wanted to discuss, so we agree the most appropriate workarounds:
> 1. keystoneclient v3 functionality not accessible when catalog contains a
> v2 endppoint:
> In my test environment my keystone endpoint looks like:
> And I'd guess this is similar to the majority of real deployments atm?
Yes, I was just researching this for the Ops Guide O'Reilly edition, and
don't see evidence of deployments doing otherwise in their endpoint

Also I didn't uncover many (any?) deployments going from Identity v2 to v3
yet. Meaning, if they're already running v2, when they upgrade to havana,
they do not move to Identity v3.

> So when creating a keystoneclient object I've been doing:
> from keystoneclient.v3 import client as kc_v3
> v3_endpoint = self.context.auth_url.replace('v2.0', 'v3')
> client = kc_v3.Client(auth_url=v3_endpoint, ...
> Which, assuming the keystone service has both v2 and v3 API's enabled
> works, but any attempt to use v3 functionality fails with 404 because
> keystoneclient falls back to using the v2.0 endpoint from the catalog.
> So to work around this I do this:
> client = kc_v3.Client(auth_url=v3_endpoint, endpoint=v3_endpoint, ...
> client.authenticate()
> Which results in the v3 features working OK.
> So my questions are:
> - Is this a reasonable workaround for production environments?
> - What is the roadmap for moving keystone endpoints to be version agnostic?
> - Is there work ongoing to make the client smarter in terms of figuring out
>   what URL to use (version negotiation or substituting the appropriate path
>   when we are in an environment with a legacy v2.0 endpoint..)
I'd like to understand the ramifications of
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62801/ so I have a few questions:

- If keystone service catalog endpoints become version agnostic, does that
make other project's support of multiple versions of the Identity API

- If the client gets smarter, does that automatically let Heat support
Identity v2? Or is more work required in Heat after your blueprint at [1]
is complete?

I saw a brief discussion at project meeting Jan 14 [3] but I didn't see any
questioning of whether it's premature to preclude the use of Identity v2 in
any integrated project.

Can we discuss implications and considerations at the project meeting next


> 2. Client (CLI) support for v3 API
> What is the status re porting keystoneclient to provide access to the v3
> functionality on the CLI?
> In particular, Heat is moving towards using domains to encapsulate the
> in-instance users it creates[2], so administrators will require some way to
> manage users in a non-default domain, e.g to get visibility of what Heat is
> doing in that domain and debug in the event of any issues.
> If anyone can provide any BP links or insight that would be much
> appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Steve
> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/keystone-v3-only
> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat/Blueprints/InstanceUsers
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