On 02/03/14 at 01:10pm, Chris Friesen wrote:

Has anyone ever considered adding the concept of transaction IDs to the openstack REST API?

I'm envisioning a way to handle long-running transactions more cleanly. For example:

1) A user sends a request to live-migrate an instance
2) Openstack acks the request and includes a "transaction ID" in the response. 3) The user can then poll (or maybe listen to notifications) to see whether the transaction is complete or hit an error.

I've called them tasks, but I have a proposal up at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/instance-tasks-api that is very similar to this. It allows for polling, but doesn't get into notifications. But this is a first step in this direction and it can be expanded upon later.

Please let me know if this covers what you've brought up, and add any feedback you may have to the blueprint.

I view this as most useful for things that could potentially take a long time to finish--instance creation/deletion/migration/evacuation are obvious, I'm sure there are others.

Also, anywhere that we use a "cast" RPC call we'd want to add that call to a list associated with that transaction in the database...that way the transaction is only complete when all the sub-jobs are complete.

I've seen some discussion about using transaction IDs to locate logs corresponding to a given transaction, but nothing about the end user being able to query the status of the transaction.


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