On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 3:06 AM, Mike Perez <thin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> I would love to get people together who are interested in Cinder stability
> to really dedicate a few days. This is not for additional features, but
> rather
> finishing what we already have and really getting those in a good shape
> before the end of the release.

Hey everyone!

I'm really glad to see interest on this. There was even more of a response
for this during the last Cinder IRC meeting!

I have started an ether pad [1] with more information. Remote seems like
the best option with such short notice. In the
future we'll plan this earlier to make it easier for people to come and
meet together if possible.

Google hangout has a limit of 10 people, but that might be fine with the
participation. If someone has a better suggestion
for video/voice chat (we don't really need video), that works with
windows/linux/mac, suggest it on the ether pad. I'll post
finally details and a reminder once we get closer to the date. Thanks all!

[1] - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-hack-201402

-Mike Perez
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