On 15 February 2014 12:15, Dirk Müller <d...@dmllr.de> wrote:

> I agree, and changing defaults has a cost as well: Every deployment
> solution out there has to detect the value change, update their config
> templates and potentially also migrate the setting from the old to the
> new default for existing deployments. Being in that situation, it has
> happened that we were "surprised" by default changes that had
> undesireable side effects, just because we chose to overwrite a
> different default elsewhere.
> I'm totally on board with having "production ready" defaults, but that
> also includes that they seldomly change and change only for a very
> good, possibly documented reason.

Indeed! And in classic ironic fashion -
https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1280692 was caused by
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73621 - a patch of yours, changing
defaults and breaking anyone running with them!


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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