Im also curious about that.
I think it is proper that ceilometer should have the role of Mornitoring vm.
Nova just opens auto-evacuate API, when a trigger calls the API nova calls
like shelve api for the vm re-spawn.
What do you think of this?
2014. 2. 21. 오전 7:13에 "Costantino, Leandro I" <>님이 작성:

> Hi,
> Would like to know if there's any interest on having 'automatic
> evacuation' feature when a compute node goes down.
> I found 3 bps related to this topic:
>    [1] Adding a periodic task and using ServiceGroup API for compute-node
> status
>    [2] Using ceilometer to trigger the evacuate api.
>    [3] Include some kind of H/A plugin  by using a 'resource optimization
> service'
> Most of those BP's have comments like 'this logic should not reside in
> nova', so that's
> why i am asking what should be the best approach to have something like
> that.
> Should this be ignored, and just rely on external monitoring tools to
> trigger the evacuation?
> There are complex scenarios that require lot of logic that won't fit into
> nova nor any other OS component. (For instance: sometimes it will be faster
> to reboot the node or compute-nova than starting the evacuation, but if it
> fail X times then trigger an evacuation, etc )
> Any thought/comment// about this?
> Regards
> Leandro
> [1]
> when-host-broken
> [2]
> instance-automatically
> [3]
> optimization-service
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