Hello everyone,

I'm currently pushing a stress test in Tempest which at some point tries to 
attach a floating IP to newly started servers . The change I'm talking about is 
available here : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74067/ .

This test runs fine on my local devstack, but I have an issue during Jenkins 
tests, on the gate 'gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-large-ops'.
The error happen when my test wants to attach a floating IP using the Neutron 

*         Last week, the error was about the fact that no ports was attached to 
my servers : I wasn't specifying any nics during the server creation, but since 
there was only one network available from the nova point of view, I believed it 
was automatically attached to my server, thus creating a port for it. This 
explains why this code is working on my local devstack and openstack deployment.

*         In order to resolve this I'm currently forcing the 'nics' parameter 
during the server creation in order to have my server attached to the 'private' 
network and so have a port to use later during floating IP attachment. This 
triggers a new error : I can request Neutron to get the UUID of the network 
named 'private', but when I'm specifying this UUID in the 'nics' parameter, I 
get an error saying that this network is not found.

I don't know if the issue is related to my code, the tempest configuration used 
in the gate or the devstack deployed for the gate.

Can someone give me some insights about this gate ? Is there something peculiar 
in the devstack deployment used for this gate that can explain the errors I'm 
having ?

Thanks in advance for your time :)

Best Regards,


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