
Regarding your comments on change,
I don't think the port to oslo.messaging is just a swap from pika to
oslo.messaging.  OpenStack services as I understand is usually implemented
as an RPC client/server over a messaging transport.  Sync vs async calls
are done via the RPC client call and cast respectively.  The messaging
transport is abstracted and concrete implementation is done via
drivers/plugins.  So the architecture of the executor if ported to
oslo.messaging needs to include a client, a server, and a transport.  The
consumer (in this case the mistral engine) instantiates an instance of the
client for the executor, makes the method call to handle task, the client
then sends the request over the transport to the server.  The server picks
up the request from the exchange and processes the request.  If cast
(async), the client side returns immediately.  If call (sync), the client
side waits for a response from the server over a reply_q (a unique queue
for the session in the transport).  Also, oslo.messaging allows versioning
in the message. Major version change indicates API contract changes.  Minor
version indicates backend changes but with API compatibility.

So, where I'm headed with this change...  I'm implementing the basic
structure/scaffolding for the new executor service using oslo.messaging
(default transport with rabbit).  Since the whole change will take a few
rounds, I don't want to disrupt any changes that the team is making at the
moment and so I'm building the structure separately.  I'm also adding
versioning (v1) in the module structure to anticipate any versioning
changes in the future.   I expect the change request will lead to some
discussion as we are doing here.  I will migrate the core operations of the
executor (handle_task, handle_task_error, do_task_action) to the server
component when we agree on the architecture and switch the consumer
(engine) to use the new RPC client for the executor instead of sending the
message to the queue over pika.  Also, the launcher for
./mistral/cmd/ will change as well in subsequent round.  An
example launcher is here
 The interceptor project here is what I use to research how oslo.messaging
works.  I hope this is clear. The blueprint only changes how the request
and response are being transported.  It shouldn't change how the executor
currently works.

Finally, can you clarify the difference between local vs scalable engine?
 I personally do not prefer to explicitly name the engine scalable because
this requirement should be in the engine by default and we do not need to
explicitly state/separate that.  But if this is a roadblock for the change,
I can put the scalable structure back in the change to move this forward.

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