
About a week ago, the maintainer of SQLAlchemy uploaded version 0.9.3 in
Debian Sid. This of course broke a lot of OpenStack packages, including

I do not intend to let this continue on for 7 months like it happened
for SQLA 0.8.x.

Over the last week, I worked, together with my colleagues from eNovance,
on fixing python-migrate. Today, I can proudly say that migrate seems to
have been fixed and works fully with SQLAlchemy 0.9.3. All unit tests
are passing, including the ones for MySQL, which I also do in my Debian

I haven't uploaded python-migrate to Debian Sid yet, because I'm waiting
for python-ibm-db-sa to be approved by FTP masters. However, I have good
hopes that it will happen soon.

The Debian package I've prepared already includes all of SQLA-Migrate
commits currently available in the Git, plus 4 patches which I intend to
push upstream. The resulting package works with both SQLA 0.8.x and SQLA

Next up is Keystone. Only one unit test is failing, as much as I can tell:

Once Keystone is fixed, we'll move to the next packages.

I hope to get support from core reviewers here, so that we can fix-up
the SQLA 0.9.x compat ASAP, preferably before b3. Of course, I'll make
sure all we do works with both 0.8 and 0.9 version of SQLA. Is there
anyone still running with the old 0.7? If yes, then we can try to
continue validating OpenStack against it as well.

Thoughts welcome,


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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