On 28/02/14 20:28, Qiming Teng wrote:
> The creation a stack is usually a time costly process, considering that
> there are cases where software packages need to be installed and
> configured.
> There are also cases where a stack consists of more than one VM instance
> and the dependency between instances.  The instances may have to be
> created one by one.
> Are Heat people considering adding some progress updates during the
> deployment?  For example, a simple log that can be printed by heatclient
> telling the user what progress has been made:
> Refreshing known resources types 
> Receiving template <...>
> Validating template <...>
> Creating resource my_lb [AWS::EC2:LoadBalancer]
> Creating resource lb_instance1 [AWS::EC2::Instance] 
> Creating resource latency_watcher [AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm]
> ....
> ...
> This would be useful for users to 'debug' their templates, especially
> when the template syntax is okay but its activities are not the intended
> one.
The Horizon topology diagram achieves this by polling the resource list
for the in progress stack.

You could consider implementing something similar in python-heatclient
using curses to display resource-list until the stack is no longer in

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