Hello, Sean

I think your idea is really interesting. I mean, that thought "Gantt -
where to schedule, Climate - when to schedule" is quite understandable and
good looking.

These two 'directions' of scheduling process really look like fitting into
one Program - probably it should be named "Resource Allocation and
Reclaiming" or something like this. My only idea is that even Gantt +
Climate will be under this new Program umbrella, they can't be one project
only because these functionalities may become wider - and projects may
become too big to manage them as one. I mean, that future energy efficiency
+ probable billing interest for Climate is not 'horizontal' scheduling
really, and that's why our scopes lay in different areas.

High level idea "Gantt is for placing objects, Climate is for planning
them" looks good IMHO.

And, as said, Compute program is not about Climate, because we're
implementing volumes reservation for 0.2.0 release, and that will be
pushing us away from the Compute Pr.

Anyway, it's an interesting discussion and I'm looking forward to
continuing it.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net> wrote:

> On 03/02/2014 02:32 PM, Dina Belova wrote:
> > Hello, folks!
> >
> > I'd like to request Climate project review for incubation. Here is
> > official incubation application:
> >
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Incubation
> >
> > Additionally due to the project scope and the roadmap, we don't see any
> > currently existing OpenStack program that fits Climate. So we've
> > prepared new program request too:
> >
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Program
> >
> > TL;DR
> >
> > Our team is working on providing OpenStack with resource reservation
> > opportunity in time-based manner, including close integration with all
> > other OS projects.
> >
> > As Climate initiative is targeting to provide not only compute resources
> > revervation, but also volumes, network resources, storage nodes
> > reservation opportunity, we consider it is not about being a part of
> > some existing OpenStack program.
> >
> > This initiative needs to become a part of completely new Resource
> > Reservation Program, that aims to implement time-based cloud resource
> > management.
> At a high level this feels like this should be part of scheduling.
> Scheduling might include resources you want right now, but it could
> include resources you want in the future. It also makes sense for
> scheduling to include deadlines, so that resources are reclaimed when
> they expire. Especially given quota implications of asking for resources
> now vs. resources that a user has reserved in the future. What happens
> when a user has used all their quota in the present, and a future
> reservation comes up for access?
> Scheduling today is under compute. The proposal to pull Gantt out still
> leaves it in the compute program. So I would naturally assume this
> should live under compute. I could understand that if this & Gantt
> emerged together and wanted to create a "Resource Allocation" program,
> that might make sense. But I think that's way down the road.
> However, that's just a quick look at this. I think it will be an
> interesting discussion in how this effort moves forward.
>         -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> Samsung Research America
> s...@dague.net / sean.da...@samsung.com
> http://dague.net
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Best regards,

Dina Belova

Software Engineer

Mirantis Inc.
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