Excerpt from Zane Bitter's message on 04/03/2014 23:16:21:
> From: Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com>
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Date: 04/03/2014 23:20
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Incubation Request: Murano
> On 04/03/14 00:04, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:
> >
> It so happens that the OASIS's TOSCA technical committee are working as
> we speak on a "TOSCA Simple Profile" that will hopefully make things
> easier to use and includes a YAML representation (the latter is great
> IMHO, but the key to being able to do it is the former). Work is still
> at a relatively early stage and in my experience they are very much open
> to input from implementers.

Nice, I was probably also writing a mail with this information at about the
same time :-)
And yes, we are very much interested in feedback from implementers and open
to suggestions. If we can find gaps and fill them with good proposals, now
is the right time.

> I would strongly encourage you to get involved in this effort (by
> joining the TOSCA TC), and also to architect Murano in such a way that
> it can accept input in multiple formats (this is something we are making
> good progress toward in Heat). Ideally the DSL format for Murano+Heat
> should be a trivial translation away from the relevant parts of the YAML
> representation of TOSCA Simple Profile.

Right, having a straight-forward translation would be really desirable. The
way to get there can actually be two-fold: (1) any feedback we get from the
Murano folks on the TOSCA simple profile and YAML can help us to make TOSCA
capable of addressing the right use cases, and (2) on the other hand make
sure the implementation goes in a direction that is in line with what TOSCA
YAML will look like.

> cheers,
> Zane.
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