With the feature freeze in effect and our driver blocked from the Nova tree
for this release cycle, last week we moved our driver into the Ironic tree
in this patch set:


This allows Nova to load the "ironic" virt driver by importing the
"ironic.nova.virt.ironic.IronicDriver" class. We plan to resubmit this
driver to Nova when Juno opens, and remove it from the Ironic code base
once it is accepted.

Why did we do this? Most importantly, it allows us to continue working on
CI testing during feature freeze and without any cross-project
dependencies. No Nova changes are required, and -- for the moment -- we
trust ourselves enough to land code in this driver without integration

We also made a lot of progress on the devstack patch:


This patch configures Nova to use the "ironic" virt driver, sets up the
prerequisite environment, and performs integration tests (eg, with nova,
glance, keystone, and neutron) and functional tests of the PXE deploy
driver in a mocked bare metal environment. This is now the only change
required to perform these tests.

If the infra team is amenable to adding an experimental check test to
Ironic's pipeline during feature-freeze, I will propose one, and we can
start identifying the set of tempest tests which make sense in a mocked
bare metal environment. If not, we can wait until Juno opens to propose

Thanks to agordeev, adam_g, and shrews for their hard work on adding
devstack support for Ironic! We're almost there :)

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