
I'm trying to run InstanceGroup.get_hosts() on a havana installation that uses postgres. When I run the code, I get the following error:

RemoteError: Remote error: ProgrammingError (ProgrammingError) operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone ~ unknown 2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] LINE 3: ....uuid != instances.uuid AND (instances.deleted_at ~ 'None') ... 2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] ^ 2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

I'm not a database expert, but after doing some digging, it seems that the problem is this line in get_hosts():

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted_at': None}

It seems that current postgres doesn't allow implicit casts. If I change the line to:

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted': 0}

Then it seems to work.  Is this change valid?


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