I work for Rackspace and Im fairly new to Openstack Ecosystem. Recently, I came 
across an opportunity to evaluate Pecan for Marconi and produce a comprehensive 
report. I have not worked with Pecan or Falcon prior to this evaluation, and 
have no vested interest in these two frameworks.

Evaluating frameworks is not always easy, but I have strived to cover as many 
details as applicable.  I have evaluated Pecan and Falcon only on how it fits 
Marconi and this should not be treated as a general evaluation for all 
products. It is always recommended to evaluate frameworks based on your 
product's requirements and its workload.

Benchmarking is not always easy, hence I have spent a good amount of time 
benchmarking these two frameworks using different tools and under different 
network and load conditions with Marconi. Some of the experiences I have 
mentioned in the report are very subjective and it narrates mine - you may have 
had a different experience with these frameworks, which is totally acceptable.

Full evaluation report is available here - 

Thought of sharing this with the community in the hope that someone may find 
this useful.

Balaji Iyer
OpenStack-dev mailing list

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