On Mon, 2014-04-07 at 16:48 +0000, Day, Phil wrote:
> Hi Sylvain,
> There was a similar thread on this recently – which might be worth
> reviewing:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-March/031006.html 
> Some interesting use cases were posted, and a I don’t think a
> conclusion was reached, which seems to suggest this might be a good
> case for a session in Atlanta. 
> Personally I’m not sure that selecting more than one AZ really makes a
> lot of sense – they are generally objects which are few in number and
> large in scale, so if for example there are 3 AZs and you want to
> create two servers in different AZs, does it really help if you can do
> the sequence: 
> -         Create a server in any AZ
> -         Find the AZ the server is in
> -         Create a new server in any of the two remaining AZs 
> Rather than just picking two from the list to start with ?

Or doing this in Heat, where orchestration belongs?


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