Hello OpenStackers,

I would like to share with you non-narrated demo of current version of 'Tuskar-UI' project, which is very close to Icehouse release (one or two more patches to come in).

Tuskar-UI is a user interface based on TripleO approach which allows user to register nodes (currently nova-baremetal -> ironic), define hardware profiles (nova-flavors), design OpenStack deployment (Tuskar) and based on HW profiles to deploy OpenStack on your baremetal nodes (Heat).

Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_u2PmeF36k

Juno roadmap - Tuskar planning for J cycle: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO/TuskarJunoPlanning

If you have any questions, we are happy to help you. Just ask here on the mailing list, or you can find many folks on following channels:
#tuskar, #tripleo, #openstack-horizon (UI related channel)

-- Jarda

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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