于 2014年04月10日 16:40, John Garbutt 写道:
> Apologies, that came out all wrong...
> On 10 April 2014 09:28, John Garbutt <j...@johngarbutt.com> wrote:
>> I think writing this up as a nova-spec is going to make this process
>> much easier:
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints#Nova
>> It will save you having to re-write your document once you want to
>> submit a blueprint, and we can all see each others comments in gerrit,
>> and more clearly see how things change and evolve. The way the
>> template in nova-spec works, it should also help you with structuring
>> your argument.
> Thats just want I would find easier, its just a suggestion.
>> Please don't design assuming a single vendor solution, that is sure to
>> get rejected (at least my me) at the blueprint review stage. You might
>> want a different vendor in each AZ to isolate you from failures due to
>> vendor bugs, if you are digging for a use case.
> I guess thats a tenant use case, I got confused reading through those.
>> I still can't see a clear description of the "tenant" use cases, I
>> still think thats the key to getting agreement here, and getting
>> useful feedback at the summit. Not sure I understand the tables, they
>> seem a bit confusing/distracting.
> Sorry, forgot to mention, you are making good progress here. But,
> given the loop we are going around here, I think agreeing the "ideal"
> use cases, then looking at the detail, and looping back to see if
> everything "works" is probably the right approach. Other ideas
> welcome!
> Once there are the use cases, given all the Config vs API debates, I
about use cases, i might have different picture in my head , i.e how do
you think this:

tenant user want to pick up a PCI acceleration card with MD5 and RC6
encryption/hash support.

1. is this the use case you are look for?
2. what other information should be add to this use-case?

and any other suggestion?

Yongli he

> would look at the pure data flow, in a Config/API agnostic way.
> Agreeing the info needed from the user, then in the VIF driver, then
> in between, etc. We should be able to agree on that, before returning
> to the host aggregates API vs something new API vs more config debate.
> Right it doesn't seem to be clear what is required, so its hard to
> know what the best approach is, compared to other features we already
> have in Nova.
> At the moment I am struggling to see the whole picture, getting the
> general idea clear before the summit would be awesome, so we can
> discuss how to stage the implementation, deal with backwards
> compatibility, etc.
> Thanks,
> John
>> On 10 April 2014 09:14, yongli he <yongli...@intel.com> wrote:
>>> 于 2014年04月10日 15:59, Irena Berezovsky 写道:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Thanks a lot the inputs you posted in the doc.
>>> I have raised there few questions and added use case for High Availability.
>>> Another concern I have is regarding the assumption that there is no case to
>>> mix different vendor cards in the setup. I think that mixing Cisco and Intel
>>> or Mellanox cards does not make sense, but Intel and Mellanox cards can
>>> coexist. At least for my understanding, but I may be wrong, both Intel and
>>> Mellanox take HW VEB (HW embedded switch) approach.
>>> 1. open to mail list.
>>> 2. admin/usr won't mixing Intel/Cisco/Mellanox card...., does not mean we
>>> should disable it, or don't give a chance.
>>> 3. i raise couple of question and questioning the aggregate solution. see
>>> inline comments.
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zgMaXqrCnad01-jQH7Mkmf6amlghw9RMScGLBrKslmw/edit
>>> Yongli He
>>> Thanks,
>>> Irena
>>> From: Robert Li (baoli) [mailto:ba...@cisco.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 11:11 PM
>>> To: Irena Berezovsky; Sandhya Dasu (sadasu); Robert Kukura; He, Yongli
>>> (yongli...@intel.com); Itzik Brown; beag...@redhat.com
>>> Subject: Re: PCI SR-IOV use cases initial doc
>>> Hi,
>>> I updated the doc with some of my thoughts.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert
>>> On 3/24/14, 8:41 AM, "Irena Berezovsky" <ire...@mellanox.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have created the initial doc to capture PCI SR-IOV networking use cases:
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zgMaXqrCnad01-jQH7Mkmf6amlghw9RMScGLBrKslmw/edit
>>> I have updated the agenda for tomorrow meeting to discuss the use cases.
>>> Please comment and update
>>> BR,
>>> Irena

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