On 04/10/14 at 11:48am, Oleg Gelbukh wrote:
Hello, Jay,

As a fork of nova-scheduler, Gantt most likely will handle initial
placement. However, even nova-scheduler now supports some runtime
operations (for example, scheduling of evacuated/migrated instances).

Please note that the operations you've listed are all user initiated actions, and therefore differ from what's being proposed. There is currently nothing in Nova that performs an action on an ACTIVE VM without user input.

Given the runtime scheduling arises in this list regularly, I guess such
features will make their way into Scheduler service eventually.

The scheduler as it currently exists is a placement engine. There is sufficient complexity in the scheduler with just that responsibility so I would prefer to see anything that's making runtime decisions separated out. Perhaps it could just be another service within the scheduler project once it's broken out, but I think it will be beneficial to have a clear distinction between placement decisions and runtime monitoring.

Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Jay Lau <jay.lau....@gmail.com> wrote:

@Oleg, Till now, I'm not sure the target of Gantt, is it for initial
placement policy or run time policy or both, can you help clarify?

@Henrique, not sure if you know IBM PRS (Platform Resource Scheduler) [1],
we have finished the "dynamic scheduler" in our Icehouse version (PRS 2.2),
it has exactly the same feature as your described, we are planning a live
demo for this feature in Atlanta Summit. I'm also writing some document for
run time policy which will cover more run time policies for OpenStack, but
not finished yet. (My shame for the slow progress). The related blueprint
is [2], you can also get some discussion from [3]

[3] http://markmail.org/~jaylau/OpenStack-DRS


2014-04-09 23:21 GMT+08:00 Oleg Gelbukh <ogelb...@mirantis.com>:


You should check out Gantt project [1], it could be exactly the place to
implement such features. It is a generic cross-project Scheduler as a
Service forked from Nova recently.

[1] https://github.com/openstack/gantt

Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh
Mirantis Labs

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Henrique Truta <
henriquecostatr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello, everyone!

I am currently a graduate student and member of a group of contributors
to OpenStack. We believe that a dynamic scheduler could improve the
efficiency of an OpenStack cloud, either by rebalancing nodes to maximize
performance or to minimize the number of active hosts, in order to minimize
energy costs. Therefore, we would like to propose a dynamic scheduling
mechanism to Nova. The main idea is using the Ceilometer information (e.g.
RAM, CPU, disk usage) through the ceilometer-client and dinamically decide
whether a instance should be live migrated.

This might me done as a Nova periodic task, which will be executed every
once in a given period or as a new independent project. In both cases, the
current Nova scheduler will not be affected, since this new scheduler will
be pluggable. We have done a search and found no such initiative in the
OpenStack BPs. Outside the community, we found only a recent IBM
announcement for a similiar feature in one of its cloud products.

A possible flow is: In the new scheduler, we periodically make a call to
Nova, get the instance list from a specific host and, for each instance, we
make a call to the ceilometer-client (e.g. $ ceilometer statistics -m
cpu_util -q resource=$INSTANCE_ID) and then, according to some specific
parameters configured by the user, analyze the meters and do the proper

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

Ítalo Henrique Costa Truta

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