On 15/04/14 06:16, Qiming Teng wrote:
3) Can/should we do the VM HA orchestration in Heat?

My perception is that it can be done in Heat, based on my limited
understandig of how Heat works.  It may imply some requirements to other
projects (e.g.  nova, cinder, neutron ...) as well, though Heat should be
the orchestrator.

What do we need then?

   - A resource type for VM groups/clusters, for the redundant
     provisioning.  VMs in the group can be identical instances, managed
     by a Pacemaker setup among the VMs, just like a WatchRule in Heat can
     be controlled by Ceilometer.

Heat is not a catch-all place to put features that need co-ordination amongst projects; Heat provides a declarative way of interacting with existing OpenStack APIs. So if you have another OpenStack API for VM groups/clusters we can add a resource type to talk to it.

All of the cases where we have attempted to implement missing parts of OpenStack (autoscaling, HARestarter) directly in Heat have turned out to be giant headaches. We have a lot of work still ahead to split autoscaling out of the Heat engine and give it its own API. HARestarter's days, as Steve mentioned, are numbered. I'd like to avoid taking any similar shortcuts in future.


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