On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 13:56 +0800, lihuiba wrote:
> >For live migration, we use shared storage so I don't think it's quite
> >the same as getting/putting image bits from/to arbitrary locations.
> With a good zero-copy transfer lib, live migration support can be 
> extended to non-shared storage, or cross-datacenter. It's a kind of
> value.

Hmm, I totally see the value of doing this. Not sure that there could be
the same kinds of "liveness" guarantees with non-shared-storage, but I
am certainly happy to see a proof of concept in this area! :)

> >task = image_api.copy(from_path_or_uri, to_path_or_uri)
> ># do some other work
> >copy_task_result = task.wait()
> +1  looks cool!
> how about zero-copying?

It would be an implementation detail within nova.image.api.copy()
function (and the aforementioned "image bits mover library") :)

The key here is to leak as little implementation detail out of the
nova.image.api module


> At 2014-04-23 07:21:27,"Jay Pipes" <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi Vincent, Zhi, Huiba, sorry for delayed response. See comments inline.
> >
> >On Tue, 2014-04-22 at 10:59 +0800, Sheng Bo Hou wrote:
> >> I actually support the idea Huiba has proposed, and I am thinking of
> >> how to optimize the large data transfer(for example, 100G in a short
> >> time) as well. 
> >> I registered two blueprints in nova-specs, one is for an image upload
> >> plug-in to upload the image to
> >> glance(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84671/), the other is a data
> >> transfer plug-in(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87207/) for data
> >> migration among nova nodes. I would like to see other transfer
> >> protocols, like FTP, bitTorrent, p2p, etc, implemented for data
> >> transfer in OpenStack besides HTTP. 
> >> 
> >> Data transfer may have many use cases. I summarize them into two
> >> catalogs. Please feel free to comment on it. 
> >> 1. The machines are located in one network, e.g. one domain, one
> >> cluster, etc. The characteristic is the machines can access each other
> >> directly via the IP addresses(VPN is beyond consideration). In this
> >> case, data can be transferred via iSCSI, NFS, and definitive zero-copy
> >> as Zhiyan mentioned. 
> >> 2. The machines are located in different networks, e.g. two data
> >> centers, two firewalls, etc. The characteristic is the machines can
> >> not access each other directly via the IP addresses(VPN is beyond
> >> consideration). The machines are isolated, so they can not be
> >> connected with iSCSI, NFS, etc. In this case, data have to go via the
> >> protocols, like HTTP, FTP, p2p, etc. I am not sure whether zero-copy
> >> can work for this case. Zhiyan, please help me with this doubt. 
> >> 
> >> I guess for data transfer, including image downloading, image
> >> uploading, live migration, etc, OpenStack needs to taken into account
> >> the above two catalogs for data transfer.
> >
> >For live migration, we use shared storage so I don't think it's quite
> >the same as getting/putting image bits from/to arbitrary locations.
> >
> >>  It is hard to say that one protocol is better than another, and one
> >> approach prevails another(BitTorrent is very cool, but if there is
> >> only one source and only one target, it would not be that faster than
> >> a direct FTP). The key is the use
> >> case(FYI:http://amigotechnotes.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/file-transmission-with-different-sharing-solution-on-nas/).
> >
> >Right, a good solution would allow for some flexibility via multiple
> >transfer drivers.
> >
> >> Jay Pipes has suggested we figure out a blueprint for a separate
> >> library dedicated to the data(byte) transfer, which may be put in oslo
> >> and used by any projects in need (Hoping Jay can come in:-)). Huiba,
> >> Zhiyan, everyone else, do you think we come up with a blueprint about
> >> the data transfer in oslo can work?
> >
> >Yes, so I believe the most appropriate solution is to create a library
> >-- in oslo or a standalone library like taskflow -- that would offer a
> >simple byte streaming library that could be used by nova.image to expose
> >a neat and clean task-based API.
> >
> >Right now, there is a bunch of random image transfer code spread
> >throughout nova.image and in each of the virt drivers there seems to be
> >different re-implementations of similar functionality. I propose we
> >clean all that up and have nova.image expose an API so that a virt
> >driver could do something like this:
> >
> >from nova.image import api as image_api
> >
> >...
> >
> >task = image_api.copy(from_path_or_uri, to_path_or_uri)
> ># do some other work
> >copy_task_result = task.wait()
> >
> >Within nova.image.api.copy(), we would use the aforementioned transfer
> >library to move the image bits from the source to the destination using
> >the most appropriate method.
> >
> >Best,
> >-jay
> >
> >
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