I've collated the votes and put a proposed selection of talks (some
sessions merged) up; I'm going to push a draft timetable as soon as I
finish clicking on the clicky thing .:).

If your session has been selected you now need to:
 - ensure there is an etherpad for it
 - link it into the global list of etherpads
 - make any feedback changes reviewers may have requested.

Ro b

On 22 April 2014 12:01, Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net> wrote:
> I've pulled the summit talks into an etherpad
> (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-icehouse-summit) - btw, who
> can review these within the system itself?
> Anyhow - please put comments in the etherpad and help select the
> sessions we'll do during the summit.
> I think we need to ensure reasonable coverage for:
>  - CI
>  - Finishing HA
>  - Upgrades
>  - Tuskar
> which arguably leaves just 2 slots for $whatever
> It seems to me we should focus on things where either:
>  - we need to build basic consensus
>  - crowdsourcing is at play
> I say that because we have many things being tackled and face time in
> the summit is precious - things that are straight engineering are not
> a particularly effective use of the time of a room with 30-80 people
> in it.
> -Rob
> --
> Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud

Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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