> We've all been pretty lax about the amount of detail that we put in commit
> messages some times, and I'd like to change that as we start Juno
> development. Why? Well, just imagine that, six months from now, you're going
> to write a document describing *all* the changes in Juno, just based on the
> commit messages...
> The git commit message should be a succinct but complete description of the
> changes in your patch set. If you can't summarize the change in a few
> paragraphs, perhaps that's a sign the patch should be split up! So, I'm
> going to start -1'ing patches if I don't think the commit message has enough
> detail in it. I would like to encourage other cores to do the same.
> What's "enough" detail? It's subjective, but there are some lengthy and
> detailed guidelines here that everyone should be familiar with :)
>   https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages

Agreed, I think it's important that we start improving our commit messages.

> Cheers,
> Devananda
> (If English isn't your native language, feel free to ask in channel for a
> little help writing the summary.)

I want to make a point here, the project has many non-native english
speakers right now and, of course, you can expect grammar/spelling
errors from us, so I think we should be a bit flexible about -1'ing
things for these reasons, nobody wants to keep bugging other people
every time he/she needs to write a commit message.

Also, if a patch is -1'ed for this reason please make sure you also
leave in the comments a suggestion/correction as part of the review,
do not -1 it saying it's wrong without a replacement text.


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