Hello Igor!

Could you clarify, please, Why do we need "event_id + reversed_timestamp"
row key?
 Isn't "event_id" identify row?

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Igor Degtiarov <idegtia...@mirantis.com>wrote:

> Hi, everybody.
> I’ve started to work on implementation of Event in ceilometer on HBase
> backend in the edges of blueprint
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hbase-events-feature
> By now Events has been implemented only in SQL.
> You know, using SQL  we can build any query we need.
> With HBase it is another story. The data structure is built basing on
> queries we need, so
> to construct the structure of Event on HBase, it is very important to
> answer the question what queries should be implemented to retrieve events
> from storage.
> I registered bp
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hbase-events-structurefor 
> discussion Events structure in HBase.
> For today it is prepared preliminary structure of Events in HBase:
> table: Events
>     - rowkey:  event_id + reversed_timestamp
>                   - column: event_type => string with description of event
>                   - [list of columns: trait_id + trait_desc + trait_type=>
> trait_data]
> Structure that is proposed will support next queries:
> - event’s generation time
> - event id
> - event type
> - trait: id, description, type
> Any thoughts about additional queries that are necessary for Events.
> I’ll publish the patch with current implementation soon.
> Sincerely,
> Igor Degtiarov
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Best regards,
Dmitriy Ukhlov
Mirantis Inc.
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